Contact us

We are proud to consider that we have super clear communication and that we do not hide anything from our readers, customers and partners.

An example of this is that contrary to what is common practice in group travel agencies, at TUGA.ME you know where you are going to sleep, eat, etc. It is important that we always indicate for whom a certain product or service that we promote is and for whom it is not.

However, it is possible that you have doubts or that you simply need to talk to us. Due to the large volume of messages we receive every day, we have divided our contacts into three main groups.


At we have products and services that we sell directly, such as group trips and other products and services that we promote and review, but that we do not sell.

To find out if the product or service in question is sold directly by us or not, we always have the following logos next to the product / service.

You have purchased one of our products/services or are intending to do so and have any questions that you were unable to remove from the information we have on them, so send us an email to [email protected]

If your question is related to an affiliated or market place product or service then you should contact the company that sells it or leave us a comment as indicated in the readers section below.


content creator

Are you a content creator and do you identify with our language and the products and services we promote? If you want to invite us for a content partnership or for another type of collaboration send us an email to [email protected] We take the opportunity to invite you to take a look at our affiliate program that we have created for content creators like you.


Are you a travel agency looking to sell our group trips in your agency?

Do you have a product or service that you would like to be included in our travel and experience packages?
Do you want to promote the sale of your product or service on our website through our market place?
Do you have an affiliate program that you want to invite us to join?
Do you want to work with us as content creators through a press trip, lecture, sponsored content, etc?

Or if you have another type of collaboration to present to us, do not hesitate to send us an email to [email protected]

We take this opportunity to invite you to take a look at our work with us page where we have all the details of why we are the ideal partner for your company.

official entity

You are an official entity and you want to invite us to promote the entity or region you represent, whether through a press trip, lecture or other type of collaboration, do not hesitate to send us an email to [email protected]


First of all, we would like to start by thanking you from the bottom of our hearts for following us, whether here on the website, on Youtube or on Instagram.

TUGA.ME, like any content creator, lives off the trust deposited by followers like you and on the opinions and comments you leave on the content we publish (posts, articles or videos) If you have any questions or want to share something with us, please get in touch us through our social networks, whether through comments or messages.


Once a month you receive a travel tip in your email.

In our monthly newsletter you will receive a tip always thought to help you on your next trip!